Supplementing With These Vitamins Can Help Manage Your Anxiety

Posted on: 26 May 2020


Anxiety can really get in the way of your ability to enjoy daily life. Seeking treatment from a doctor and a therapist is the best way to ensure your anxiety is properly managed and treated. However, many patients find that they enjoy even greater relief from symptoms when they work in some supportive therapies, too. More specifically, there are some vitamins you can take to help manage your anxiety.

Vitamin D

Your body synthesizes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to the sun. However, many people do not get enough sunlight exposure to make enough vitamin D these days. Sun protection is important, but it can have the side effect of low vitamin D levels. One symptom of low vitamin D levels is mood instability and anxiety. So supplementing with oral vitamin D supplements may help ease your symptoms. It's especially important to supplement in the winter when there's little sunlight. You may be able to stop taking the supplements in the summer if you are someone who spends ample time outside.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a vitamin that is found only in animal products, which means that if you follow a vegetarian diet or only eat meat rarely, you are probably deficient in B12. Alcohol consumption can also interfere with vitamin B12 absorption, contributing to a deficiency. Symptoms of a B12 deficiency include anxiety, nervousness, brain fog, and depression. Make sure you choose a high-quality B12 supplement, as some of the lower-quality ones are not absorbed well.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well known for its role in immunity. But in addition to supporting your immune system, it also helps prevent oxidative damage to your nervous system. By doing so, it can help ease feelings of anxiety. Vitamin C supplements are easy to find. Make sure you take one each and every day since your body does not store vitamin C well.

Vitamin A

Like vitamin C, vitamin A is an antioxidant. Deficiency is not all that common, but if you do not eat a lot of orange fruits and vegetables, it is possible you are deficient. A deficiency can contribute to anxiety by thwarting the production of certain neurotransmitters that make you feel calm. Your body stores vitamin A well, so be careful not to over-supplement. Take the amount recommended on the bottle, and no more.

Each of these vitamins can contribute to anxiety relief. For even greater effects, look for a supplement that blends all these vitamins together.

To learn more, contact a resource that carries natural anxiety vitamins.