Can CBD Benefit You?
Posted on: 9 November 2017
If you're a cannabis user, you probably don't give a whole lot of thought to the many cannabinoids. But one of those cannabinoids, known as cannabidiol (CBD), has been getting more and more attention for its implications in the medical community. If you've been scratching your head and wondering what all the hype is about, here's what you need to know about its indications, benefits, and the best ways to acquire it.
Do you need CBD?
Those who use cannabis do so for a variety of reasons. You may want to reduce stress, fear, or anxiety. Some people use it to minimize pain from a disease. Others simply want the high that comes from THC—the psychoactive compound in cannabis that acts on the central nervous system. Whatever your reasons for using cannabis, you may be wondering if you need CBD at all.
CBD is sort of like the inverse of THC, in that it doesn't have psychotropic or psychoactive ingredients. In fact, it is known to have a calming effect. If you notice an increase in anxiety when you use cannabis, then CBD may help to offset those symptoms.
What are the potential benefits?
Reducing anxiety associated with THC consumption is one of the biggest benefits of CBD. But there are many other ways that cannabis users may benefit from taking this natural compound.
As a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, CBD has been shown to reduce the following properties in some users: pain, anxiety, inflammation, nausea, contractions of the small intestine, seizures and convulsions, muscle spasms, blood sugar levels, bacterial growth, and the risk of arterial blockage (THC is also used to treat pain in some patients, but it's been discovered that CBD can at times effectively target different types of pain than THC).
Conversely, CBD can work as an appetite stimulant—which would be beneficial for those who struggle with appetite and resulting weight loss. It also has a tranquilizing effect, can help promote sleep, prevent nervous system degeneration, treat the symptoms of psoriasis, and possibly inhibit cell tumor growth.
CBD has also been known to delay the effects of the "high" you get when you use cannabis, and it can pleasantly prolong the experience for the user.
What are the best ways to consume CBD?
CBD works hand in hand with THC, and there are a number of ways that users can ingest this compound in order to get the potential benefits.
- Oil. CBD oil is extremely popular, and it's not too hard to get your hands on. It's made by extracting the substance from either hemp or the leaves and flowers of cannabis, leaving you with an oil that can be added to food, protein shakes, smoothies, and even baked goods. Some companies even sell CBD edibles in the form of cookies, chocolate, candies, and drinks.
- Smokes. The perfect blend of THC and CBD can be added to marijuana for users to smoke. If you're looking for a strain that won't get you high or "stoned," Charlotte's Web is a popular choice since it has the lowest concentration of THC.
- Tinctures. Similar to oils, tinctures are a good way to consume CBD. They are generally less concentrated than oil, so the effects will be milder. They also come in a variety of concentrations. You can mix the tincture with food or simply drop some on the tongue.
- Vapes. Inhaling vaporized CBD oils is popular, and one of the biggest benefits is that users will typically feel the effects immediately. Some companies are beginning to sell vape pens specifically for CBD use.
- Creams. Consuming CBD topically is the preferred method for many of those who wish to avoid the sensation of getting high. Dermal absorption of CBD prevents users from feeling any psychoactive effects, making it great for those who are taking it to reduce pain and inflammation. You can simply rub it into the affected area. Creams are not the only way to get CBD topically. Salves and patches are also available for those who prefer that type of administration.